" Input: { (data_uoa) - workload to run (see "ck list wa"). (target) - machine UOA (see "ck list machine") (record) - if 'yes', record result in repository in 'experiment' standard (skip-record-raw) - if 'yes', skip record raw results (overwrite) - if 'yes', do not record date and time in result directory, but overwrite wa-results (repetitions) - statistical repetitions (default=1), for now statistical analysis is not used (TBD) (config) - customize config (runtime_parameters) - runtime_parameters (params) - workload params (scenario) - use pre-defined scenario (see ck list wa-scenario) (keep) - if 'yes', keep tmp file in workload (program) directory (cache) - if 'yes', cache params (to automate runs) (cache_repo_uoa) - repo UOA where to cache params (share) - if 'yes', share benchmarking results with public cknowledge.org/repo server (our crowd-benchmarking demo) (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (scenario_module_uoa) - UOA of the scenario (to share results) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } "